
Hotwetspeedo Meats His Match


Shared publicly - Jan 12 2009 at 6:31pm
Posted in Anal, Big Cock, Hard Core
Personally, I think the secret to happiness lies in not making unnecessarily unfavorable comparisons between myself and another person who might very well possess far greater qualities than I do, for God knows there are bazillions of them out there. I carry on content with the thought I have a role to fulfill in my average existence and that I do it with a measure of satisfaction that I've done my best. Yet there are occasions when another's superiority simply insinuates itself and throws open this quiet existence and suddenly I find myself outside my comfort zone. Fortunately, God has also planted in me the instincts of self-preservation and turning challenges into opportunities. While I don't normally seek out situations that could cause me grief, I know deep inside I'm a creature of the moment wherein the outcome is never set in stone. No, I'm far from the happiest person on the planet, but I always find something to smile about.