
Hotwetspeedo Hosts a Nooner


Shared publicly - Mar 4 2009 at 3:00am
Time does stand still. For some, minutes transform into a fabled world when listening to an aria sung by a consummate artist; to others moments freeze into what seemed like eternity in the face of a potentially life-changing event. Einstein's concept of spacetime has virtually freed modern man from age-old absolutes: for, now everything's relative. A slice of time in a given space could be sealed off from the rest of what's outside if only man would decide nothing else is more important. So what if world economy is in recession? So what if he's already got a boyfriend? Who cares? We don't--if only for a few frozen moments when jobs, boyfriends, and all other cares go flying out the window. No drama. No worries. No bullshit. Almost perfect, isn't it? Except that, it IS perfect. When a moment is shared by people, naked of agenda, certain truths emerge. Suddenly, epiphany....