
FleshlightMouth feat. HungInSEA Summer 2011


Shared publicly - Sep 15 2011 at 9:51am
Posted in Big Cock, Black, Blow Jobs
Another visit with one of my favorites this June in Seattle. We always have hour-long sessions, so here's just a 4-minute excerpt of our last encounter. There is such a thing as a "perfect fit", and while I loved sucking every one of my video partners, I've only met a handful of guys (HungInSEA, 2hands, Deepspace9, Tenpoint5, BgDkMuscleGuy, Roman Emerald, BigDICKnDC, Fest9by7, BigBathhouseBud, BigMeatMan, and a very special black friend in CT) who have that kind of cock. Hope you enjoy the free-dive move in the middle of this video, feels incredible! Also, stay tuned for my first private gloryhole videos from Fort Lauderdale. As always, love reading your comments and private messages.