velvetrain83 Details


InterestsMusic, Movies, Camping, Swimming, Hiking, Walking, Photography, conversation
MusicPretty wide set of interests, everything from Classical to Alternative, don't much care for rap though.
MoviesLOTR, Matrix, Harry Potter, Latter Days, Deep End of the Ocean, Cowboys and Angels, Angels in America, Dumb and Dumber, The Mask, Because I Said So, Mean Girls, Knocked Up, Merlin, Mists of Avalon
TelevisionWill & Grace, Grey's Anatomy, Survivor, Amazing Race, Moonlight, Anime, CSI
BooksAnne Rice Vampire Chronicles, Mists of Avalon, Harry Potter, A Density of Souls, Running With Scissors, Magical Thinking, Wicked, Son of a Witch, Neverending Story, Riftwar Saga