Longhairbud Details


Musictoo many to list I have varied taste, with a rock bent. love punk, classic roots rock, old country, classical, experimental/ art stuff, caberet, blues ... just ask as there in not much i completely dislike excepting hip hop
Moviesnot a huge movie fan other than classic old flix, but diont really dislike film either. lately feeling "Suddenly Last Summer" as my favorite du joir
Televisionany junk that happens to be on the heroin of the masses, but really could live with out it altogether but am a bit stuck of late as i am recovering from a broken ankle, so tv has been my friend...really pethetic.
Bookscurrently reading the complete W Sommerset Maughm short stories & a new book on hte Dhali Lama that i cannot remember the name of...my favorite book of all time is Virginia Woolf's Orlando. I mean anything that can have a beautifully constructed sentance that goes on for paragraphs is awe inspiring.