joel228 About


i am a simple person trying to live my simple yet deviant existence in this world. I know I am different and don’t force me to change. I stand for what I know is right, may it not be proper in the views of the society. Acceptance is something hard to achieve for discrimination is rampant. Equal rights regardless of gender preferences should be exercised in this community. My pursuit for truth never ceases. Yet I never question if there is really God. I don’t need a religion, I have my faith. Even if I know that I am surrounded by hypocrites trying to throw stones at me- the hell I care. To err is human, and perfection is for God alone, for I have flaws. I can’t deny that fact. But to stand after every storm that passes my shores makes me stronger as each chapter unfolds in my never ending journey. I laugh a lot, I cry often. My smile hides the true pain deep inside me. It aches so much that my throbbing heart wanted to burst. It’s a tough world yet I have to survive to attest that I am not a frail being. Incidence occurring in my life forged me to be critical. Learn from the past. Live with the present. Envision the future.


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